As an innovative leader in biodiversity monitoring and reporting, we provide specialised services across various sectors to ensure comprehensive ecological assessments and sustainability practices.
Ecological and Environmental Consultancies
On site surveys are expensive, time consuming and require a high standard of knowledge and skill. A survey could be significantly impacted by the weather on the day, different ecologists completing part of a survey and not recording some cryptic species.
A combination of site surveys and bioacoustic monitoring can provide a more robust and consistent survey result supported by auditable data. The cost of running the survey is reduced while the quality of the deliverables is increased.
Interpretation of the bioacoustic results will need to be reviewed by an ecologist.
Extractive/Mining Industry
Approvals for site development typically include Environmental Impact Assessments and a plan for ongoing monitoring. It’s far less expensive to identify any species which may cause planning or development issues as early on in the process as possible. Bioacoustic analysis can help identify the more cryptic or scarce species which a site survey might miss.
Site restoration can deliver very significant increases in biodiversity and sites can be fantastic havens for wildlife. By quantifying the resurgence of nature as part of a restoration project, you can celebrate a great job done well…
The planning process has an increasing focus on the impact a development project will have on the environment ranging from nutrient inputs and a reduction in biodiversity. Biodiversity Net Gain Credits are used in some countries to mitigate the impact
Changes to agricultural practices can have a significant impact on biodiversity – good and not so good. With increasing pressure, sometimes via funding streams being changed, farming is increasingly becoming more nature friendly and many farmers are being highly proactive.
If you can better understand the distribution of target species to help recover, such as the Skylark in the UK, it’s possible to change working practices, such as when silage is cut, to improve the survival rate.
Indices such as the Farmland Bird Index can easily be measured and missing species identified.
Energy and Utilities
Many aspects of the energy and utility sector are highly dependent on the environment and are being increasingly obliged to report the impact they are having.
There are many opportunities to improve biodiversity through sensitive site planning on a solar farm, better use of land adjacent to water utility sites and along water courses. Measuring the changes becomes easier with long term monitoring.
The sites adjacent to the rail or road network can be really special not least as they are almost undisturbed by visitors and have few interventions. These sites can be a haven for wildlife and measuring the bird assemblage, and how it changes over time.
The manual review of vast quantities of audio files recorded during field work isn’t practical as it is so time consuming. Automated analysis can quickly generate thousands of species level records which can form the basis for validation and further research. Working with researchers around the world is an important part of what we do – we regularly provide Wilder Sensing for university projects at no cost. Let us know if we can help.
Supply Chain
Understanding the impact your suppliers are having on the environment is becoming increasingly significant. Reporting frameworks such as the Taskforce for Nature Based Financial Disclosure will require organisations to report the impact on biodiversity.
Requiring suppliers to easily monitor their impact on biodiversity has become considerably easier using simple audio recorders and automated analysis of the files.
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