
Wilder Sensing joins the SetSquared Incubator


Success story


Joining the Incubator Program

Starting a technology business is both extraordinarily exciting and scary, especially given the country’s current economic situation. We consider ourselves very lucky to have been supported by a strong network of people and organisations ready to help our project with advice and introductions. We have received some fantastic support from a number of people who willingly gave up their time to advise on seed round investment, contracts, etc.

We are delighted to annouce that we have joined the University of Bristol technology incubator SetSquared. We are confident that taking part to their incubator program will be a game changer for Wilder Sensing: we will be able to take advantage of their incredible experience in helping early stage, pre-seed startups and really propel our project to the next phase of growth.

SetSquared has shown a great deal of professionalism throughout the selection process. The initial interview was an opportunity for us to understand the depth and breadth of the experience and support they can offer, while for them it is a sanity check that the leadership team has a valuable proposition, a clear idea of what the product is about, a market, and, most importantly, is fully committed to make it a success. So far, the onboarding process and the early meetings have been an extremely positive experience and we can’t wait for what is to come!

Develop an “Investment Ready” business proposition

setsquared strategy

Right after joining, we were holding introductory conversations with two Entrepreneurs in Residence working with SetSquared: Stewart Noakes, serial entrepreneur and Lecturer at Falmouth University, as well as Anna-Lisa Wesley, business mentor and co-under of startup advisory Sapphire and Steel. Over the next few weeks, Anna-Lisa will work with us to refine our business strategy and develop a credible business proposition for customers, commercial partners and investors.

The kick off meeting with Anna-Lisa has already created a very lively and constructive conversation on the core values and concepts behind our product. She has introduced us to various approaches to create the basis of a business plan and helped us rationalise how these techniques can help us to better understand our product and the entire business.

We are really excited and looking forward to move ahead with our project, and have no doubt the SetSquared team will hold us to account on our progress: 2023 is going to be very exciting for Wilder Sensing!